All tagged Politics

This is the Time to Involve Youth 

How can youth be involved in rebuilding our communities during and after the pandemic? The younger generation will feel the impact of any changes made for the longest amount of time, and should be included in current decision-making. Many Members of Parliament and Members of Provincial Parliament offer opportunities for youth to participate in Youth Councils, but many are currently paused due to the pandemic. In what may be one of the most important times for youth to be heard, there are few, if any, opportunities that give a platform for adolescents to voice their ideas and opinions on rebuilding Ontario post-pandemic.

Addressing Homelessness in London & St. Thomas

Walking around London and St. Thomas, homelessness is obvious. In London, there are many people living and sleeping rough along Dundas Street downtown and in Old East Village, or in tents by railway tracks and elsewhere. Business owners and residents in St. Thomas have noticed more people congregating and sleeping downtown, particularly around the post office, next door to where the City set up a drop-in centre for the homeless or near-homeless. The issue has been made worse by the pandemic, and this winter is going to prove challenging.

Political Communications During COVID-19

Will people become harder to govern the longer the pandemic continues? If so, is this a reflection of the lack of in-person interaction between our elected leaders and the general public? Government by virtual meetings and social media may be convenient, but have we lost a vital part of any good political communications strategy?